
Parenting is hard. It is the hardest job you will ever have to do. It’s also the most wonderful and rewarding. But, it’s definitely not all sunshine and roses. Some days are just… so… hard. Some kids are harder than others. Parenting is not for the weak!

If you look on social media (which we all do), you will find so many perfect families. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. We all know there is much more going on behind the scenes. And the thing is, we don’t talk about those things.

Those behind the scenes moments, when your kid is having a tantrum in public, won’t get dressed, or has hurt you emotionally and/or physically, are the moments where we need to the most support!

Becoming a parent affects all parts of life… your marriage or partnership, your job, your friendships, your self-esteem, and YOU as a person. No one ever tells a new parents just how much it will change their life.

This site is to share the REAL stories. No rose colored glasses. No picture perfect storybook endings. Just the real, raw, hard parts of parenting. Our hope is that this site will help create a community of support for all that being a parent truly means.