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Explain crop circles that happen to be so intricate and precise and often form in seconds, explain the pyramids, and explain why NASA blurred out photos on mars, why go to mars so much in clients? Why is every UFO video blurry? Therefore it seems nobody ever turns into a clear shot. What did they really see at Roswell? Explain how certain tribes in Africa like the primitive Dogon people have precise understanding of the players. Explain Ezekiel in the bible say such as “And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind left the north, a great cloud, together with a fire unfolding itself, and brightness was ready it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out for the midst of your fire. User testimonials show that is one of the top authorities when it comes to UFO. Explain these historical sightings. All over the globe. I found this associated with historical sightings the world wide web.

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We reside in a world where it’s only accept hard cold facts, and solid evidence makes us feel safe cultural and information site . Anything weird or ooky-spooky causes us to be feel unpleasant. The supernatural, the paranormal, or maybe the mystical makes people uneasy, and usually scares the pants from them. Why?

Again because it’s fake. I’ve some stories in my blog here about things i have experienced myself, however i can only speak for myself, with other, because I will not evidence with the items I have seen, nobody will believe me. I can accept that, but some don’t, and yes, it seems to my opinion that’s why they make videos of the usb ports. Maybe there isn’t have seen something like I did, but as an alternative to telling it, they make video of it, often with various fault.